Online Kurs

Sacred Intuition

opening a new portal. come with me.

Dec 1 – Dec 21 from new moon to solstice

This Course includes:

  • 3 Live Zoom Calls with sharing circles and guided meditations
  • Workbook filled with information, exercises and inspiration about intuition, guiding you through the journey day-by-day
  • WhatsApp Group Chat for exchange and support from me and within the group
  • Connection to like-minded people who want to grow
  • Bonus: 50% on my 1:1 Online Constellation to dive even deeper

This is for you if you want to…

  • make decisions from a place of inner clarity
  • learn to navigate strong emotions and feelings
  • balance your Chakras and open up the Heart
  • be supported in healing and integrating trauma
  • take a step towards the Life that is more aligned with your inner world and your own truth
  • regulate the nervous system in order to hear the guidance of your inner voice
  • learn to set boundaries with love and stay rooted in your own energy
Raum für Bindung und Bewusstsein Milena Colla Systemische Aufstellung Yoga Naturverbindung Wald Zürich

Prepare to leave transformed.

3 Live Zoom Calls

December 1, New Moon in Sagittarius, 2pm CET (Central European Time)
December 11, 2pm CET
December 21, Winter Solstice, 2pm CET

Week 01

Be the byson. Learn to navigate your emotions and feelings with inner strength and self- compassion.

Week 02

Become the eye of the storm. Balancing the chakras and harmonizing the male and female energy inside.

Week 03

Make decisions with more clarity. Root in your Heart as the Center of your Being and protect your own energy.

Safe Space

We’re all humans, meeting each other on eye level. We all have a past and we all have sorrows and pain from to time.
No one is better than another.

What comes up in this Course stays there: we hear and see each other with respect and compassion.


Your Investment into yourself

EARLY BIRD until November 1 
50% OFF: 111 CHF (118 € / 128 USD $)

Regular: 222 CHF (236 € / 257 USD $)

What to bring

your Journal, your open mind and yourself as a whole with all that you are.
You are so very welcome as you are.

Raum für Bindung und Bewusstsein Milena Colla Systemische Aufstellung Yoga Naturverbindung Wald Zürich

About me

I’m Milena, a trauma-sensitive therapist, family constellation facilitator and yoga teacher. I support you on your next step towards a Life that you truly love and that is aligned with your inner world, your values and your own truth. I wish to see you living your highest Vision as an embodied reality on this Earth. I’m in service of your conscious manifestation, with all my Being, my Heart and my knowledge.

Join my new Online Course Sacred Intuition.

testimonials for my 1:1 Constellation work

“It was the most healing experience I have ever had.”

“I am impressed by Milena’s intuition.”

“Milena has a pronounced intuition and sensitivity and a clear mind that allows her to maintain an overview even in entangled issues. Her empathetic guidance makes it easy to look at even difficult issues.”

“The constellation helped me to gain more clarity about a deep issue. I particularly appreciated Milena’s intuitive and sensitive approach.”

“If I had brought any expectations with me, they would have all been exceeded.”

“There is something magical about Milena’s intuition.”

testimonials for my 1:1 Constellation work

“It was the most healing experience I have ever had.”

“I am impressed by Milena’s intuition.”

“Milena has a pronounced intuition and sensitivity and a clear mind that allows her to maintain an overview even in entangled issues. Her empathetic guidance makes it easy to look at even difficult issues.”

“The constellation helped me to gain more clarity about a deep issue. I particularly appreciated Milena’s intuitive and sensitive approach.”

“If I had brought any expectations with me, they would have all been exceeded.”

“There is something magical about Milena’s intuition.”

Logo Milena Colla

3-weeks Online Course Sacred Intuition

Thank you for your courage!
And your desire to connect deeper with your sacred intuition.

Healing needs a lot of self-compassion. In this Course you find the powerful space needed to birth a new version of yourself.


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